面粉厂除尘集尘器mcjc 关于MCJC工业集尘机的选型:①:机器可否:根据现场工况,粉尘颗粒是否固定性选择可或不可型。
With the development of eco
nomy and the improvement of the degree of industrialization, the problem of labor protection and enviro
nmental pollution has attracted more and more attention from the state and government departments. Like ISO14000 enviro
nmental system certification is so, the country has a more standardized higher standards and requirements: pollutants synchro
nous generation synchro
nous cleaning, recycling, which provides a wider market space and development space for industrial vacuum cleaners.面粉厂除尘集尘器mcjc 全自动脉冲喷吹清灰方式,经济型清灰方式,MCJC系列产品以外形美观、大风量、脉冲反吹清灰为特点,主尘隔及布尘袋双重过滤装置,可有效过滤99.99%之0.5um的粉尘,采用一体化柜式结构,外形美观,专为粉体行业、化工行业、金属加工行业、木工家具行业等漂浮粉尘而设计,。
cabinet body is divided into three parts of the structure, the upper part of the dust collector host, the middle part of the precision melt spray fabric bag filter dust, the lower part of the drawer type dust collection cabinet, easy to clean the dust. Reaso
nable design greatly save space, by the majority of industrial manufacturing and processing industry.In the suction of some heavy particles, it is necessary to co
nsider the pipe diameter and pipe length, usually affecting the suction effect of some of the main factors are: the pipe diameter is too thick, the pipe diameter length is too long, the power of the suction fan itself is too small, the bend is co
nnected too much and the grading is not good!